Study Guide
Whether it be at home, in the library or even in a classroom, it’s too easy to procrastinate from doing work. Sometimes it can go in the opposite direction and we end up working for hours on end, nary a break. Neither of these is helpful to our studies or our health. This inspired the creation of an optimal studying experience study guide.
After observing and speaking to fellow students and conducting the research, I designed this tried and tested study guide available to students for free in libraries to use and follow while studying. It is a step by step guide that talks them through the best things to do while studying which will ensure that they are able to make the most of their time without overdoing it.
The importance of education was part of my inspiration to design this study guide. I had always been passionate about education and how different is it for each person. Being a design student meant my way of studying was always a little different to that of the people I usually spent time with as they studied subjects such as Maths, Science, English and History. During the designing and creation of this guide I realised how much studying styles can vary and how differently they can affect our education. I was able to learn the different ways and styles of studying that can benefit each person during their education - I enjoyed creating methods that would make it helpful for the user to study and I enjoyed applied these methods to my own life as well. I learnt about the different mediums we use in education such as drawing, having activity sheets listening to audio books, making notes, and it was interesting to see how each medium helps each user differently depending on their style of studying and learning. For example, I find it more helpful to learn and work via illustrations and making notes in the forms of drawings as I've always been a tactile learner. During this project, I learnt about auditory learners and visual learners and how to create different resources for them to use during their studying to help them.
These are pictures of the 8 page study guide I created. Each page covers an important step towards having an ideal study session that will ensure the user gets some helpful ways of studying/learning that will help them optimise their time and also ensure they don't overdo it while working. The guide highlights the importance of working and studying while also making the user realise the importance of taking a break which will actually help them more. The guide also gives the users some tips while will optimise the way they study such as making them think about what type of learner they are or providing them with ways to revise that will ensure they remember the material better.
Each step in the guides aims to help the user learn better - i.e. the page that reminds them to eat regularly names some snacks which are known to improve concentration levels while still being filling and good for our health. The page that reminds the user to get some physical activity makes them aware of how they can fit exercise into their schedule and what type of activities can improve their mood and even combat anxiety while allowing them to cleanse their minds before getting back to work. Via this method, I have ensured that users will find something useful on each page that will either benefit their education or them personally.
Amongst various studying tips, I also provided users with links to music they can listen to that will not only relax them while working (and during breaks) but also improve their productivity. I designed the entire look and aesthetic of the guide to be quite minimal and mature so that it matches the tone of voice of the advice given in the guide and also appeals to the targeted audience.
A flick through of the study guide.
I created the study guide to be an A6 size so it would be more convenient for students to carry with them. I went through a lot of trials and testing to get the best size for the guide and after feedback from a friend who is dyslexic, I realised that the size of the guide and the font had to be big enough so it doesn't cause discomfort to all audiences. The size of the guide would also ensure the guide not only takes up minimal space in bags but also easily fits in pockets. The guide can be placed inside an A5 cover along with all of its other components such as the introduction page, the music barcode page, etc. If the users don't wish to use the A5 cover, the pack provides them with a belly band to keep the components together and make it easier to carry.
Here are some images of the study guide in context i.e. being placed in pockets, bags and being used in an actual study session. Due to the fact that students tend to be on a budget, I printed this guide with the aim for it to be available for free in the libraries to students and thus I chose not to print this on many pages and decided to make it by folding an A3 page. I'm printed it on 100gsm glossy paper to reduce the printing cost as well.
Along with the study guide, this is a series of posters I designed to be posted around universities, schools and libraries. Its intention is to help and provide students with the best studying tips and remind students of the important steps that will benefit them during studying such as eating healthy snacks, getting physical activity, remaining well hydrated - this advice is taken from the study guide and displayed a summary of the advice that was given in the guide.
I also created a blog that takes explains the steps in the study guide in detail and tells students how it will benefit them.

I also created a blog that takes explains each of the steps in the study guide in further detail and tells students how it will benefit them. The blog is compatible with all phone devices, iPads, tablets and computer devices.
Here are some pictures of the intended use of the posters and in what context they were intended to suit. The best places for them to be used were libraries, all around schools and universities (such as outside classrooms, on lifts, etc) and in some special cases even in some home and office environments to help people get the most out of a work session without causing any damage to their health.